The Importance and Power of Hope

Q&A with a Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

We spoke to Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) Jennifer Murdock about the importance and power of hope and mental health.

Q: What is acceptance?

When we look at acceptance from a mental health perspective, it means that we fully acknowledge facts for what they are.

Acceptance often gets confused with approval; however, I want to acknowledge that acceptance is NOT approval. When we approve of something, we are allowing more of it to happen in the future. When we accept something, we are facing reality and acknowledging what has happened or is happening. Accepting reality and facts for what they are allows us to decide how we would like to proceed and move forward.

It is also essential to understand that acceptance doesn't mean we 'get over' or forget something. Again, it's about acknowledging what has happened or is happening without trying to deny or resist reality.


Q: Why is acceptance important?

Acceptance is necessary because it helps us shift away from a negative mindset and move towards a growth mindset.

When we don't accept reality, we actually end up creating more pain and suffering for ourselves by staying in this undesirable state. However, as I mentioned earlier, when we are able to accept reality for what it is, we are allowed to decide how we want to move forward. This is not easy; however, it is a critical part of our lives. We all are able to move forward and grow when we accept what is in front of us.


Q: What is hope?

Hope is many things depending on whose perspective it is coming from.

It can be a feeling that something positive will happen in the future and the belief that we have the ability to achieve positive and desired outcomes. It is also the expectation that things will get better in the future despite an undesirable situation that we may currently be in. Hope is always there; we just have to identify it, even when things feel hopeless.


Q: Why is hope important?

Hope is important because it helps keep us going! When we're going through challenging and difficult times, having this belief that things can (and will) get better helps us see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Although times may be challenging, hope gives us the strength and motivation to keep going through these dire times. Another important part of hope is that we can be hopeful with those around us.

Hope isn’t just important for us to believe in but also for our support systems to have faith in, as well. When collective groups are hopeful about change, it makes us feel less alone or isolated. In situations of inequality or a shared goal, when there is strength in numbers, hope does not feel foreign but instead the only option!

Overall, hope is what keeps us going and moving forward. Without it, we would be stagnant and never in a growth mindset.


Q: What are the benefits of acceptance and hope?

There are numerous benefits of acceptance and hope, but I will touch on a few of them.

When we look at acceptance, one of the benefits that it provides us with is more positive energy. When we no longer need to exert energy trying to resist or deny our feelings and situations, we are left with more energy to put towards things that we enjoy, which eventually leads to further happiness and joy in our lives. Acceptance also allows us to let go of any bitterness and suffering that we may be experiencing and leads to inner peace. Inner peace is an ultimate goal for us, as it allows us to prioritize our values and control what we want in life.

One of the benefits of hope is that it can help reduce stress and anxiety. Hope can act as a buffer to these negative feelings by providing us with the belief that things will get better. Hope can also enhance motivation by providing us with a sense of direction and purpose. In addition, hope can help promote healing and recovery as it can motivate individuals to attend therapy and stick to their recommended treatment.


Q: What can I do to build hope in my life right now?

There are several things that you can do right now to help build hope in your life, such as practicing self-compassion.

This involves treating yourself with the same kindness that you would give to a good friend or a family member you care about. You wouldn't bash a friend when they're already down or feeling de-motivated, so why do this to yourself?

Improving overall self-talk and keeping that talk hopeful is critical as well. Instead of saying, "I made a mistake, and nothing will get better," frame it as "I made a decision with the knowledge I had, and now I have learned more." This acknowledges that acceptance and hope are rooted in learning and being in control of what you know at the moment.

Focus on the present; don't dwell on the past or worry about what could go wrong in the future. Focus on engaging in activities that are fulfilling, bring you joy, and help you reach your goals. Setting goals and working on a plan are great ways to build hope, as they provide us with a sense of direction and purpose. When setting goals, we want to make sure they are SMART goals. This means we want our goals to be Specific-Measurable-Achievable-Relevant-Time Bound. Another great way to build hope is to seek professional help! It may seem difficult, but it doesn't have to be. We are here to support and guide you.


Q: What can therapy do for me?

Therapy can be a great starting point for anyone looking to understand hope and acceptance better.

This can sometimes be scary to think about, but it is something we all can do. Some of the things that therapy can help with are addressing any barriers to hope and acceptance, identifying and challenging negative thoughts that may be getting in the way of acceptance and hope, and setting SMART goals. Therapy, overall, is a safe space to talk about why acceptance is challenging. A therapist can help you unpack why you may feel this way. They can also provide you with the tools you need and teach you how to move forward and take control of your life again!

Whatever it is, we’re here for you.

Life is uncertain. Jobs are stressful. Parenting is hard. Relationships take work. Families can be dysfunctional. And sometimes, love hurts. When you’re confronted by feelings, events, or issues that are making your life challenging, it’s okay to ask for some help.

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