Heal the way you want.

Convenient, safe and private, access real-time sessions with registered mental health professionals in the comfort of your own home.

We provide professional counselling services for anyone who wants positive change in their life and it’s important to us that everyone we work with feels safe and in control of their healing process.

That’s why we offer online counselling for those who live outside our area, prefer the comfort of their own home, or simply want the flexibility of being able to meet remotely.

What you should know.

Online counselling, also known as online therapy, e-counselling or teletherapy, is the delivery of mental health services through digital platforms such as video conferencing, email, instant messaging, or phone.

Here at Peachey Counselling, we specifically offer video conferencing (through a secure platform) or phone sessions. If you are considering online counselling, there are some points you should review before you decide if it is right for you…

Advantages and Benefits of Online Counselling


Research* has shown that online counselling can be just as effective as in-person therapy for a variety of mental health issues.


Online counselling offers increased convenience when it comes to scheduling your appointments while eliminating the need for travelling to a physical location. This saves you both time and effort!


Hate the idea of sitting in an office? Or perhaps you feel uncomfortable talking about personal issues in a public space? Through online counselling, you can access therapeutic services from the comfort of your own home or any other preferred location.


Online counselling may be particularly useful if you live in a rural area or have mobility issues, as it provides you with access to mental health services that may not be available locally.


For those people who are unable to leave their home for various reasons (such as PTSD, social anxiety, severe depression), online counselling feels like a ‘safe’ alternative to in-person settings.


We get it. Some people may feel more comfortable discussing sensitive issues or personal problems in an online setting where they can remain anonymous or use a pseudonym. That is totally okay.


With online counselling, you don’t have to worry about being at the cottage, on vacation or out of town. With online counselling you don’t have to skip or miss sessions while you’re away.


Since you can attend your therapy sessions online, you can schedule them for the times that are most convenient (and cost-effective) for you — without having to take PTO from work or getting and paying for childcare, gas or parking.

Risks and Disadvantages of Online Counselling

Insurance Issues

It is always important to check with your extended health care providers to determine what your insurance will cover. Different health care or insurance plans have different policies around online counselling services.

It is important to note that most Canadian providers will not pay for therapeutic services if they are based outside of Canada. So if a mental health app or online service is based out of the USA or the UK, it most likely will not be covered. This is because therapeutic services must be offered by a licensed professional that is registered to practice within your province.

Ethical and Legal Concerns

Because online counselling has eliminated geographical constraints, therapists can treat clients from anywhere in the world. However, as we mentioned already, Canada and it’s provinces have different licensing requirements and treatment guidelines than the United States and other countries. It is important to confirm your counsellor or therapist’s qualifications and experience beforehand. Here at Peachey Counselling, all of our team members are qualified, mental health professionals who are registered to practice within Ontario.

Serious Illness

Whether or not online therapy may be appropriate for you depends on your specific issues and the severity of your symptoms. While online counselling is useful for a variety of situations, it not the best option for people that require close or direct treatment such as serious addictions or more complex symptoms of a mental health condition. (If you are unsure whether this applies to you, just ask us.)

Technology Issues

Since information is transmitted online, it is important to make sure that whoever is offering online counselling can ensure your confidentiality and privacy.

Here at Peachey Counselling, our video sessions are via a secure network so can rest assured that your personal information is safe.

You don’t have to wait to feel better.

Online counselling allows you to access therapy on your own terms. When you’re ready, we’re here to help.

Got questions? Ask Mala.

Got questions? Ask Mala.

“It is my goal to always be empathetic, so that when I pick up the phone, you are getting the support and understanding you need.”

As the Practice Administrator here at Peachey Counselling, Mala is available to direct any of your questions.