Mental Health at Work Resource Guide

We know our jobs are important, but home life and stress are also essential to manage.

Focusing on how to transition from work life to home life or how to manage stress and duties at work can leave us feeling drained and unsupported. We want to change that.

We have compiled a list of resources for you to take advantage of in one place. We know that mental health in the workplace could use some attention, which is why we champion and promote ways for employers and employees alike to learn ways to prioritize mental health when individuals are at work. Take a read through the links below to get started on your workplace mental health journey.

Peachey Counselling’s Healthy@Work Program

Addressing issues of mental health at work has become vitally important for every Canadian. We are one of a handful of professionals - in the Hamilton-Halton Region - uniquely positioned to offer therapeutic support for businesses, organizations and teams who need guidance navigating mental health challenges and want to better mental health in their workplace. We provide employers with strategic insight and participants with expert-led educational workshops and a variety of mental health tools. We also have helpful online services and resources for leaders to assess and support mental health outcomes in their workplaces.



CMHA Work-Life Balance Quiz

More than ever before, Canadians play many different roles in their lives. They must also make room in their lives to care for their own physical and mental well-being. Not surprisingly, achieving balance among all these competing priorities can be difficult. This overload can be heightened by new technologies intended to make our work lives easier, making the achievement of a balance between work and the rest of our lives even more difficult. As tricky as work/life balance is to define, most of us know when we’re out of balance.

CMHA Quiz and Info


Calm for Business - Mental Health Toolkit

We’re in the middle of a global mental health crisis, and employees are demanding better mental health support from their employers. But where do you start? The first step is to cultivate mental health literacy at your organization. You can find your starting point in our latest guide, where we share actionable tips and a comprehensive toolkit that you can use right away.

Calm for Business


CAMH Workplace Mental Health Resource Centre

Prioritizing and addressing mental health in the workplace is the right thing to do for your employees and for your bottom line. When done effectively, the potential impacts on your business include higher performance, lower absenteeism and reduced disability costs.

CAMH Website


Mental Health Commission of Canada and Workplace Mental Health

The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) is committed to helping employers create and maintain mentally healthy workplaces by providing the tools, information, and support needed to ensure that every person in Canada can go to work knowing their organization recognizes the importance of psychological health and safety in the workplace.

Workplace Mental Health


The health and well-being of employers matter whether they are at work or home.

By continuing the conversation and ensuring support is in place, we can make workplaces a healthy environment for all. Reaching out for help and having the person on the other end know what resources they can provide makes the process much more supportive. We can all work to create mentally healthy workplaces by listening to one another and implementing meaningful change!

Whatever it is, we’re here for you.

Life is uncertain. Jobs are stressful. Parenting is hard. Relationships take work. Families can be dysfunctional. And sometimes, love hurts. When you’re confronted by feelings, events, or issues that are making your life challenging, it’s okay to ask for some help.

Contact us for a free consultation


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